(Click on the pictures to see them at a larger size.)

Rod practicing his saluting. He could often be heard above decks mumbling, "Aye, aye sir, anything you say sir, anything, anything . . . just ask . . . please".

Do not look at the above picture.

Brenton: "No, I won't listen to another Smurf joke."


Boot scooting practice. What else is there to do outside at 2am in the freezing cold?

'Achey Breaky Heart' causes that reaction in most people.

And now for a Strauss Waltz . . . Breanton leads . . .


walk, walk, walk . . .

False advertising - there was no Thomas inside.

Rod: "Glad I took Burglary 101 at tech . . ."

"If you look long and hard enough the halucinations cease . . ."

The first two eliminated from the 'best bums' competition.

Our driveway.

Sal - "So the kangaroos just stand in the middle of the road, not even looking out for cars, no wonder they get bowled over. They're so stupid - we're so much smarter."

Lighthouse tour guide: "I'll take this photo but just to ensure it's truly memorable I want you all to stare directly into the sun and squint."
The group obliges.

Julie: "I told you what the penalty was if you 'sashayed' instead of doing the 'do-si-do' "

Brenton daydreaming, staring off into the distance admiring the view. He's thinking," I've got a full tank. I can nearly make it to the end of that beach over there before having to fill up again . . ."

walk, walk, walk . . .

Tools of the trade.


Julie, Rod, Bryan.

Each bedroom sported a pair of lighthouse shaped bedside lights. They're there just in case you miss seeing the 80 metre tall one in the backyard; the one that shoots out a beam of light that can be seen for tens of kilometres. Yep, just in case you miss that one.

David: "And if I stand like this with one hand out just so . . . it looks like I'm making a very important statement."

Sal announces, "Let's go whaling!"

"No I'm not sharing the only chair - you'll just have to stand . . ."

Home sweet home - with lighthouse.
Words by Harvey. Complaints will be duely ignored . . . unless forwarded in triplcate . . . along with a paper bag filled with cash.