Thursday, July 12, 2012

The High Eden Photomania Run - Harvey & David

The High Eden QCar Photomania run was held on Sunday, June 17. It was a cold wet day.

"You will need a picture recoding device. Camera phone, compact digital or full DSLR. You will need at least two in your group. One to pose with car and one to take the photo.

One road is dirt for about 10km so choose your vehicle to suit the conditions.

We meet at 10.30am at O Furno Bakery and Espresso Bar which is next to Imma and Mario's Mercato Fine Food store at 625/627 Lower North East Road, Campbelltown. We can have a  coffee or breakfast there. We leave individually from there.
We dine at Wanera, 65 Murray Street, Angaston at 1.30pm.  8564 3275. Meals start at $21 for a main and range to the early $30s. They can do gluten free and there is a vegetarian option."

From O'Furno Bakery head onto Gorge Road

Pass Kangaroo Dam

Go through Cudlee Creek

Turn right at icky 'Y' intersection and head towards Gumeracha then head to Birdwood

From Birdwood head to Mount Pleasant

From Mount Pleasant head to Springton where we turn off for the High Eden part of the run

As soon as you pass the 'Sprinton' sign turn left on the Williamstown-Springton Road

Then go past these intersections out of town - Laubes/Martins Road - McBeanes/East Lorkes

Next road it the dirt High Eden Road. Turn Right onto the High Eden Road. Follow the High Eden Road for quite a way - first it is scrub later there are vineyards. Enjoy the views

PHOTO Take a photo of your car and your 'model' at the impressive entrance to Mountadam Winery. Try to add interest to the shot with a prop

From the Mount Adam gates continue along the High Eden Road

At the Craneford Road intersection turn left

Follow the road until you get to the Flaman's Valley Road intersection and turn right on to that road

After just a few 100 metres this road takes you back onto the Mount Pleasant Angaston Road

PHOTO You will pass through Collingrove. Take a photo in this vicinity with car and 'model' posed in an interesting way

From Collingrove head towards Angaston

In town head down the main Drag 'Murray Street'. It is a left hand turn at a T instruction and is well sign posted

Park your car near Wanera, at 65 Murray Street

Now we go for a walk. there is a reserve facing onto Penrice Road, just down from Wanera on the way to the Barossa, across the road from the car dealership

PHOTO Go into this park and take the creek walk. Take a photo of your 'model' somewhere interesting along the creek

Wanera is booked for 1.30pm. Take a walk along Murray Street is you have extra time. There is a cheese shop near to Wanera and some other interesting shops around nearby

Meet at Wanera at 1.30pm or a bit earlier. Booking is under Harvey if you are first to arrive.

David with Beau (or woolly mammoth) at the Mountadam gates.

David in the Merc at Collingrove.
"If I rest my fingers just so on my chin it will make me look intelligent."

Harvey with Beau by the creek in Angaston.
Shady character with sniffer dog  searches for the secret cache.