It’s one of the most important things in life – lunch. And it looked like we were going to miss out . . . and go hungry.
Our group of car, and more latterly wine enthusiasts, had lingered long and admiringly at the Mitchell Wines Cellar Door in the Clare Valley. Our car club QCar was in the valley for a weekend of driving, dining and wining – responsibly of course. However, we had arrived at Mitchell’s around lunch time and as we had enjoyed the hospitality and information supplied by our cellar door hand for some time we were now going to have to rush to get to a place to eat before all the Clare Valley eateries kitchen’s closed for the afternoon.
Bidding our host adieu, we headed out through the rain that had made its appearance known by thundering down on the iron roof of the cellar door and jumped into our cars. The little convoy headed towards the highway and Watervale Hotel.
As we arrived we saw a large group depart from the hotel. It didn’t look good, and yes, the kitchen had closed for the afternoon. Back in the cars we headed south hoping that the Rising Sun at Auburn would be open. It was but there were no tables for a group our size. Being hungry and using great ingenuity we all crammed on to the one small table that was left and announced that the crush would do – we wanted lunch.
And lunch we had - and all the more memorable and pleasant for the hardships encountered along the way.
QCar’s first big weekend trip away happened in April on the long weekend. The crew arrived at our lodgings, the Clare Cabins on the Thursday night. After settling in and finding that one of Rod Blanchard’s friends was coincidentally enjoying a stay there too we all had a drink and a chat and settled in for the night.
On the Friday we headed off to Mount Surmon Winery (it has a lovely art gallery) and then we went on to Jim Barry, where we all decided that you could enjoy a very fine red from this establishment without paying an outrageous price for their top-of-the-line wine.
Breakfast at the cabins brought us all back together in the morning and ready to start the day.
Lunch on Friday found us at the Magpie and Stump at Mintaro. After soup, schnitzels, burgers and other pub fare had been consumed we headed for Martindale Hall. Half the group did the tour while the rest lingered outside enjoying the surrounds.
Before going back to the cabins for a home-cooked three course meal (Thai-style prawns, baked fetta with herbs, roast beef with all the trimmings) we sidestepped to Pauletts Wines. The Trillians sparkling riesling and the superb view over the Polish Hill River Valley made this a enjoyable experience.
The dinner, cooked by David Jenkins, was adored by all. It was, naturally, accompanied by a sampling of the goods recently selected at the cellar door.
Saturday started a bit more slowly than had Friday but shortly we were on our way.
After lunch at the Rising Sun we visited Mount Horrocks Wines and then we headed back to the cabins for a rest.
The rest was needed as, we were to travel to Burra and the White Cedars Café for dinner. But first we had to find the key’s to Rod’s Teutonic Tank (an 80s S-Class Mercedes). After several searches through clothing and floors it was decided to search the ground outside to see if Rod had dropped them there. Salvation came in the form of eagle-eyed John, who spotted them on the ground, saving a trip back to Adelaide to get a spare set of keys!
Dinner at White Cedars was a great success. Deciding to have a banquet, we left teh organising of the food to Balinese chef, Putu. It was absolutely scrumptious.
On Sunday everyone made their own way back to Adelaide and most made it to the opening of QCar member Harvey Schiller’s exhibition at the Tin Cat Café and Gallery.
QCar’s first weekend away was deemed a success and enjoyed by all who attended. Our next run where we will stay overnight will be held later in the year when we head to Yorke Peninsula, other single-day runs are held monthly.
For further information phone Rod Blanchard on 0429 978 772 or email him at or phone Sandy on 0410 936 354 or visit the QCar blog at
Click on the pictures below to see them at a larger size.

Breakfast in the Clare Valley Cabins.

At Mount Surmon winery. It's also an art gallery.

At Clare lookout. It started to rain. Then it started to pour!

The Merc, the Jeep and the Mini.

Brenton shows off his tats.

The banquet at the White Cedars Cafe, Burra.