On Sunday May, 18 Bryan led a run to the Greenman Inn at Ashbourne. The route took us from a breakfast start at the Queen Sreet Cafe, Croyden to Marion to pick up others and then taking the southern bypass we regrouped at McLaren Vale. From there we headed to Willunga, up Willunga Hill and then to Mount Compass and across to Ashbourne. A lovely drive, passing some beautiful countryside - all green from the recent rains.

At the pick up point at Marion. The Cinquecento, Fiat 500 or Bambino stole the show . . .

Harvey and Sal in the 500. You can touch the rear window from the front seat without effort. It's tiny!

Brenton receiving his prize for fine photography from the Photomania Run.

The group at the Greenman Inn prior to eating. Nice good value food and a nice atmosphere.