We met up at Caffe Paparazzi on Unley Road and enjoyed a refreshement. Our aim was the beach so taking to our cars we were resolutely led by Ron and Carl completely in the opposite direction. From Unley Road we made our way to Belair in the hills and then we skirted in around and over hills until we reached our destination which was gained by having a looksee at Hawthorndene, Coromandel Valley, the back of Blackwood, the Hope Valley area, Hackham and Old Noarlunga. A final a dash across town led us to the seaside paradise that is Port Noarlunga.
Arriving at about 6.30pm we plonked ourselves down on the sand and enjoyed a picnic dinner as the sun set and the stars came out. A magical evening to be outdoors everyone enjoyed a beverage of choice while have a good old yack.
It will also go down as the day we all met the T-Bird . . .
Harvey's Photos.

Brenton's new toy. It's just a mere slip of a thing.

But it would be more at home on a slipway . . . a sort of land going yacht . . . nothing dinghy (or dinky) about this behemoth . . .

It came with wheels, ready assembled. Not in a falt pack with an allen key.

Note to Brenton: Remember that this car has ooooooooooooooooooverhangs when parking!

These devices arorned the cars of yesteryear.

Brenton and Clinton (front) with Thelma and Louise (Robyn and Julie) rear.

The Party trick. It occasionally transforms itself in to a giant robot.

Da Beach. Port Noarlunga.
Robyn & Julie's Photos
Carl taking in an overall view of the situation.
David, Michael and Harvey.
Michael, Harvey, David, Hillary and Brenton.
Car park Port Noarlunga.
"I love my car"
Last metre of the seven metre boot . . . and Mini.
"I could so get used to this." Robyn in Hollywood mode.
Lock to lock in a mere 27 turns . . . Hillary throwing the dodge through a corner . . . Next year the Targa Tasmania . . .
Yes, that should be the driver in the driver's seat . . . but it's Clinton . . .
Makes the bat mobile look tame!
Clinton stepping out onto the red carpet.
On the road.
"King of the Road" . . . And the service station
"Pat, pat, pat." Stay. Wait for Daddy. Good car!