"Who shall I hold a party for?" Rod asked himself. Thinking "yes" I shall use the shortened form of my very long name for the rest of this fairy tale.
"I could hold it for the car club I'm currently the King of He mused to himself or I could hold it for the curry dinner club people," he thought.
He then grabbed a glass of ruby red current juice and wandered into his big backyard with the lawn and nice roses.
On the lawn Rod noticed a frog. A big fat frog. The frog croaked and then jumped away out of our story.
Then Rod had a 'Eureka' moment. (Man in bath tub discovering the displacement of volume, not the stockade type Eureka moment.)
"I could hold the party for both the curry and the car people."
And so He did. He decorated his back yard in the finest fashion befitting the style of the season and everyone came along and they all had a lovely lovely time. And here's the pictures from it . . .

Now this is Rod's big back yard. Big enough to hold a little car and several thousand 'borrowed' signs. Isn't it pretty!

At the party people talked . . .

. . . they posed for photos and smiled politely . . .

. . . they pointed at things . . .

. . . and drank champagne because that is a stoffisticated party drink . . .

. . . and posed for photos a bit more . . .

. . . and wore silly head ornamentation . . .

. . . and wore marvellous magical cloaks . . .

. . . that held secrets only the initiated could understand . . .

. . . and people tried to decipher the meaning thereof . . .

. . . and the posing people got in another shot . . .

. . . and people stood around and chatted and didn't complain . . .

. . . and much information, gossip and inuendo was exchanged . . .

. . . and the camera hogs stood in front of the camera again . . .

. . . and Rod met a giant . . .

. . . a very cute, hunky sort of giant . . .

. . . and . . .

. . . people looked on . . .

. . . and some saw the hazards ahead . . .

. . . while other were distracted by chatter and magic . . .

. . . and then people looked at things . . .

. . . and Rod pointed . . .

. . . and people ate . . .

. . . and they stood around . . .

. . . and they ate . . .

. . . and sat . . .

. . . and sat . . .

. . . and decided to not go over 30 . . .

. . . and Rod made a fine speech in which he said many things . . .

. . . and then some people decided to get into a car all together at once . . .

. . . and then they got out again (some visiting the chiropractor the next day) . . .

. . . and then they toasted to good health and a happy 2010.
And everyone lived happily ever after.
The End.