piaf/louiguy(music sales/amcos)
these lyrics: Divishti Rankine & Greg Champion
Pate escargots soup de jour
cordon bleu chic coiffure
fait accompli maison
creme de menthe Marcel Marceau
meringue blancmange Bardot
gauche gay Paris garcon
gendarme agent provocateur
au de toilette voyeur
au revoir deja vu
carte blanche bidet croissant bourgeois
c’est la vie abattoir
bon voyage coup d’etat
hors d’ouevres Peugeot faux pas
Gerard Depardieux
Lacoste penache papier mache
en suite rue morgue yoplait
Pepe La Pew souffle
en tous cas le Guy Forget
Maurice Chevalier
le Rainbow Warrior
lingerie chocolat eclair
avant garde Frigidaire
fromage crouton Cointreau
cherchez la femme boudoir je t’aime
vol ou vent Jacques Cousteau
joie de vive Plastic Bertrand
le Coq Sportif penchant
Henri Leconte
Pic-a-tures below by Robyn.

Kay not pleased to be photographed, David looking away (perhaps if I don't look my image will not be captured) and me looking like a sleep deprivation victim. How do you say "Such is Life" in French?

Carl adjudicating as a good adjudicator should.

Carl being bribed as a good adjudicator likes to be . . .

Cogs whirring . . . Capital of Paris is Lebanon . . . Blancmange is make up . . . Chanel Number 5 runs parallel to the Seine . . . a baguette is Prada for handbag . . .

Arty fartsy shot from Robyn . . .

Hmmm "cutlets" . . .

Famous French erection on the table. So QCar.

"Allo. Allo. Can I sell you a perky, thick, naughtily angled French baguette mon ami?"