The zoo is free range (just like the chooks). I have got that right haven't I? And a preserve for African animal species.
And here we have a fine herd of that great ape Homo Sapiens Blokeyus. Looks like they're off on a forage and reconnoitre.
They're looking sheepish as they've just been busted planning a game that involved no hands and a water bottle.
A QCar member reads out loud the 'to whom it may concern' meal time death and disability waiver before everyone heartily attacks their lunch.
The "Who can break into the car quickest" games had to be called off. Here we see the group break up after being spotted and photographed.
Some anonymous quotes heard from the day . . .
"But I didn't see Kimba the White Lion . . ."
"I love Africa, it's such a lovely country . . ."
"I believe Madagascar was based on a true story . . ."
"Cheetah's Pfft. My Morris 1100 can outpace one . . . given a minute or two . . ."