Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Photomania III - Rod and Tony

Rod being scenic on Harris Road. Nice shine on the Merc.

Michelangelo, apron, Rod and Laratinga Wetlands. I'm sure its perfectly explicable . . . on mind altering drugs . . . ;-)

The ball gets a guernsey at the football match. Extra kudos for the sporting equipment. Click on the photo to see it largerer and to see the green furry ball.

Extra kudos here too for ze apple, Ja. Click on the photo to see largerer a latter day William Tell. (A visit to Wikipedia tells me that Rod's in the pose (minus Merc) of William Tell's son, Walter.)

This picture came with the title - Merctank with balls and Rod.
Now jut look at that self-satisfied grin on Rod. Interpret as you may.