Before I start this post, just a warning - In the following post you will view many graphic depictions of a Volvo automobile. If this is at all upsetting please skip this post and if you've already accidentally glimpsed something you'd rather not see then take a Panadol and rest for an extended period.
The fruit, the Volvo and an apple in front of the Cold Stores. There may be an error in this sentence.
Don't try this at home.
Superbly balanced.
Volvo with scenic background.
More scenic with Bryan.
And now with Alexander as well.
The apple gets to enjoy the view
Alexander with a piece of sporting equipment at the Balhannah Oval.
The sporting equipment appears to be a floor polisher.
Duelling handles.
Shag anyone?
At Laratinga.
Alexander and tree.
Impressive tanks but not the right sort.
Searching for tanks?
The 'right' tank.