Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Robyn & Julie's Beach Picnic Shots

Pictures from the food, wine and dog picnic 2012. Sometimes known as the QCar Annual Beach Picnic.
Exhibit A: A dog. This is Beaurepair. Proof we could be a dog club.

Exhibit B: A dog. This is Lucinda Hillman-Minx. Proof we could be a dog club II.

All in

All in II

The wine component of the day - although we had previously been to Dog Ridge where a certain type of beverage was available.

At Dog Ridge. Alexander and Lucy bond. Alexander that means you need to rescue Lucy whenever she's near water now!

One of the winning sandcastles - Dickie Knee in a boat

Lucy goes in too deep. 

Time to rescue pup. 

Enjoying the waves

How many bears does it take to set a ground sheet? Sal looks on eagerly to see if any progress in said event has happened. 

Matador Bryan confuses beach for bull ring and no one's fooled by him, hiding his sword behind his towel.

Working boys. No, not working boys - boys doing work. Bloody English language, it always ends up innuendo!

"It's a rather cheeky little shiraz, Sal. Grown on the north facing slope off a fjord in Afghanistan. It's ripe with Persian spices, citrus notes and hints of newly discovered Higgs Bosun particles - I had it examined at CERN in Switzerland. It's relatively light on dark matter and should delight the most jaded palate." And they say we're not a food and wine club!
Yes, we all admired Torsten for saying it. "Freeballing is an art form."
Look carefully - evidence of food, wine and dogs. Have you seen a car yet?
Exhibit C: Another dog, Winniebago. Evidence that we are a food, wine, dog and occasionally a car club. ;-)